Swap, sell and buy – flowers and plants

Free flower swappingFlowers in any shape or form can be traded – from seeds to fully grown plants – on Floragora.kiwi:

– Swap seeds, flowers and plants
– Sell flowers and plants
– Buy flowers and plants from other gardeners

Become a member by signing up and creating a user profile, which you can do here.

What kinds of plants can be exchanged?Flower swap illustration

Flowers and other plants in any shape or form can be exchanged on Floragora.kiwi:

  • Seeds
  • Bulbs and bare roots
  • Fully grown plants

Whether you’d like a few extra tulip bulbs, need a lot of creeping fuschia to create groundcover on a wider area or you just have too many agapanthus – many other garden lovers will have the opposite need.

Floragora.kiwi is the place to meet them and arrange an exchange!

How do I match my excess flowers with others’?How do I match with my excess flowers with others?

A good idea is to take a picture of the flower you would like to swap. Then find out what it is called, either its botanic or common name. This makes it easier to arrange a swap. Once you’ve done this, all you need to do next is:

  • Create a member profile
  • Add a post for your plant
  • Find a flower or plant you’d like and press: ‘I’m interested in swapping’

Then sit back and await the response from the other member. If he or she accepts your swap request, you can sort out the details of your swap in a private chat, such as whether you prefer to meet up or prefer to ship the flowers to one another.

Does it cost anything to swap flowers?Sælg og få råd til nye planter

All members can trade flowers and other plants for free.

In some cases you might choose to sell a few of your excess flowers so that you can earn some extra dollars to buy exactly that plant in the local nursery your garden is missing. If you want to sell more than three different plants at the same time, just upgrade your membership to be able to add more ‘sell adverts’. So, basically:

  • Free swapping
  • Free selling
  • Membership plans for various needs: Crocus membership is free. With Hyacinth and Daffodil memberships you can create a larger numbers of sales posts.

How do I know what other people want?

wishlist-example2On each swap post you can see the wishlist of the other member. In the example on the right, you can see a swap post for a peony.

The member would like to swap his peony for the plants on his wishlist highlighted in the green circle. This particular member would like to receive irises, hostas or Lady’s Mantles in exchange for his peony.

Does Floragora mediate in my trades?

No. All trades (swap, sell, buy and giveaway) are directly between you and the other members of the Floragora.kiwi community.

This gives you all the flexibility you need. But, it also means that you shouldn’t engage in any exchanges if you are not sure you have agreed on clear terms for your exchange. This is the only way to avoid misunderstandings and frustrations – and we all prefer to avoid those 🙂